HAPPY AUGUST! Today is day one of the K & C Challenge that Masjah Studio has launched!
The K & C Challenge is inspired by two clients { first names beginning with K and C } who have worked out together here on cape in summer, but now have lost their workout partner due to one of them returning home. They are staying in contact and supporting each other by creating a challenge that each will work towards and they will correspond via phone.
What a great idea! So I have launched a campaign, borrowing their name, thank you girls!
The Kick it into Gear and Call to Change Challenge will be posted on Masjah Studio's Wall each day. Each day their will be a new challenge for people who are on the page.
August is a great time to start making a plan. We are still in the days of summer with cookouts and friends and busy days, but we begin in August to get a sense of fall coming. Typically, Fall does come and everyone begins making their plans to " get back on track". the kids go back to school, the weather shifts, there seems to be more structure and a feeling of being grounded.
but NOW is the time to start slowly, developing healthy eating habits, a spiritual practice { by this I mean as simple as mindful breathing for 3 min a day}, and incorporating exercise and movement into your life.
THEN, when fall comes, you will be ready to amp it up, because you will already have gathered the tools necessary to build your healthy lifestyle, instead of scrambling around trying to figure out where to start.
And them by the time you finally get on a " good track", Halloween Hits, Thanksgiving comes, and well, yeah, the rest is history.
So Start NOW. Each day! Check out THe CHallenge by liking the Masjah Studio Page. I also have a K & C Challenge page if you would like to join and have your friends join and you can support each other there.
THe Fall will bring a whole new level of challenges. The Fall Equinox, the changes of season, the increase of vibrational shift on the planet, will all contribute to an amped up arena anyway. But you will be ready. You will have spent this month honing your skills and preparing.
Good for you!
I will also post todays challenge at the studio, as I know most members are not on facebook, but I encourage you to join the page.
For those of you not on Facebook and not members of the studio, I encourage you to begin your own challenge! Each day, choose some activity for body, mind or soul and just do it! Begin to make healthy choices in your diet. Drink more water. Move more. Do something to make you smile.
As always, I am available by email, Masjah.studio@gmail.com or tracey@physicalwizdom.com