Monday, April 16, 2012

Keep your head out of the sand!

There is a lot going on. Has this been an overall feeling throughout human existence? Have we always " had a lot going on?"
WEll, i guess so! I guess this has been part of the human condition. In a world of lots going on, we search for ways to survive, we connect with one another, we process and digest our experiences, and life around and within us, we long for a sense of belonging, we discover a love for one another, we tell our stories and create ways of communicating, we listen, or not, to our intuitions and move through our lives guided by a source far more expansive than our own human bodies.
Now read that again, and think about the 7 major chakras.{ explanations simplified}
Root: { tail bone }                             Survival, primal, self
Sacral: { area btwn hips}                   Creativity, relationships, procreation, others
Solar Plexus { core, center}               Self esteem, digesting ideas and life, gut reactions
Heart                                                  Love of others, self, gratitude
Throat                                                Expression of truth, values
Third Eye { middle of forehead}      Intuitions, knowings
Crown    { Top of head}                   Connection to Source, higher realms...

We can look at ourselves and perhaps notice what areas we are shut down, or lacking, or have way too much of!

And then we can look at ourselves as a species- human evolution has moved through the chakras all the way up to this point in time, where we are in the chakras of higher vibrations. We are evolving into a more expansive human as a whole. It was like it was always the plan.
But somehow we have managed to become so skewed and stuck in certain areas, we have indeed created quite the mess, if you will, until we now are at a tipping point. Because we are going to move through evolution whether we like it or not, and now is the time  we are called upon to open all chakras and be balanced, so that the earth will balance. { NEWS: the earth will find balance with or without us}
Back in the days of the cave man { and woman of course }, we were working on the root chakra as a whole evolutionary species.
If you take  a moment to ponder,
what are we working on NOW?
Maybe it is similar to a medicine wheel, were we keep going around to the same points, only on a deeper level.
So, are we coming back around to Root as this year closes? Or perhaps we revisit all of the chakras all at once in our process of ascension.

At any rate, it becomes quite simple, really. For, as we have so changed in all our years here, it really is very much the same ole stuff.
Whether we are fighting dinosaurs or mortgage companies; surviving in raw nature or crashing establishment......
We are still,  maybe not all of us, but a significant amount ,  making sense of the world and our place in it. We are still moving through our days with some kind of purpose even though we may not be aware of what the heck it is.

So, yeah, there's a lot going on!  And so funny that all the ancient ways are coming back around: meditation, yoga, community, prayer, love. light, all that good for your highest good stuff.... and we are more aware than ever! we are waking up, as our chakras are blasted open with all kinds of energies!!!

What happens when you take your head out of the sand? WEll. you may start to really notice all the messed up stuff that has been going on.
If you have been part of the messed up stuff, you are not going to be very happy that you have been caught in the act! And, you are going to try with all your might to hang onto the way of life that you are used to. "Geez! I have been getting away with this and having a good time ! Why is everything blowing up in my face? I simply will not give up my control" {Hello establishment, banking systems,etc. - sorry for your loss }  Ahh but they revamp and regroup so quickly and steadily.

And the "ostriches" with our heads in the sand? Well, as much as we will want to go right back into that nice place of denial, we simply have to stay awake and be aware. Pay attention.
And then revisit some really nice ways of living:

Take care of ourselves by living healthy. Grounding in our bodies. Moving and doing : resting and restoring. Listen to what your body says to you. Know you Can take care of yourself. You are a survivor!

Take care of one another. Reach out to one another. Ask for help if you need it.  Take time  from the job, the media, the stuff, and be creative. Notice where you feel inspired. Share this! Create the life you desire!

Take time to be calm. Breathe. Exercise. Digest the world by unplugging from it. Nourish yourself with foods that will nurture, not destroy. Notice when your stomach churns, and choose not to percieve life in a way that creates havoc to your systems!

Love.  Be grateful.  C'mon, we all have things for which to be grateful. EVERY DAY be grateful for even the smallest of things, even the toughest of challenges. Love yourself enough to stand up for yourself, and then look to one another without judgement, but compassion,

Tell your story! Listen to stories! Speak your truth! Speak up! Sing! Hum! Cry OUT!

Listen with your inner wisdom. Notice the coincidences in life. Be marveled at seemingly simple happenings. Tune into Nature and feel.  Tune in and see what comes up for you.

Know that you are cared for. KNow that no matter what, you are connected to the bigger picture, that you are positioned just right in the scheme of things, that you are connected to Source, that there IS something more.

See the chakras connection?
 We are in an amazing time period right now! WE also are in a very chaotic time period, as we rid ourselves of all the crap that has been going on for a long time.
Yay us. Yay you. Stay in it. Get in Gear. Make a plan. and then be peaceful and connected. be peace. be change.
And the world will change.
And then , there is going to be so much going on , but it all will be AMAZING and AWESOME!

Thank you for reading this. Namaste.
T Crowe


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