Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mom Moments

Mom Moments.

Mother's Day is not really in May. It does not really occur on a designated day marked by Hallmark cards and gifts and flowers. { I often marveled that on " Mother's Day, it seemed I had more to clean up, less time to myself, and more expectations of being available for the family...}

Mother's Day happens in moments. Like receiving a thoughtful text from my son, or a knowing smile from one of my children. Like today, when I hugged my oldest daughter before she boarded a plane to Hawaii, where she is going to live for a time. I kissed her cheeks and touched her hair, just as I had done when she was a little girl. She melted into me as I held her, this brave, strong girl of mine. She soaked in all the mommy- love; allowing the tears to flow; allowing a moment of vulnerability, before we pulled away and stood, facing one another , woman to woman. We smiled, ready to embrace a new chapter in the story of us. I watched, as part of myself turned and walked toward her future. 
On my way home, I marveled at the synchronicity of the music coming from the radio. The first song was" Drops of Jupiter"- a song that has always been her theme song of sorts. All the way home, as if by magic, tunes played that reminded me of her: the song she sang in the talent show in middle school, the song she sang at graduation, the song about a Nikon camera, of which we rescued from her sister's car at the last minute.... my Mom moments were all by myself, on the highway, belting out the words to these songs!
Today was Mother's Day, when I watched a farewell embrace between sisters- her youngest sister putting on the brave front as we packed up to leave. It was today, when we had to trek to the AT&T store, on our way to Boston, to replace a lost phone. I mean, of course she would lose her phone the day of her departure! Today was Mother's Day, when we rendezvoused with her other sister in college, who came out of the school gymnasium smiling at the sight of us, despite the fact that she was hobbling with an ice pack wrapped around her foot. Much joy, love and laughter in being together.
 When I came home,  my youngest was not only talkative and receptive, she also had walked the dogs while I had been gone! Later, as she made her way out the door to go to a hockey game, she cheerfully called, " Bye Mom!"
 I sat down on the couch and listened to the silence. I was embraced by the love and life of all my children, wherever they may be. I gazed at the pictures of them on the walls, and looked around at the aftermath of the day: strewn clothes, empty glasses on the counter, leftover dishes.....
Today was Mother's Day. As will be tomorrow.

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