Monday, July 7, 2014

Yoga Life : Musings from the mat

There are actions to be taken, for sure.
There are conscious intentions and choices, from which right action is taken.
In yoga today, we were all there, on our mats, because of an intention, a choice and an action.
As we tuned in, by paying attention to our breath, and sensations in our body as we breathed, we were performing an action- the action of breath. The action of listening to the teacher's instructions
{ me} , The actions of rolling back our shoulders and allowing space.  We stretched. we listened to our bodies, and to my voice as I began to move us into a posture. Many postures were quite active, but slowly, slowly, as time passed and yet no time at all passed, there came a shift from actively listening and moving into the action of a posture, to simply following the unfolding of whatever was happening. Inviting the posture in, and allowing it to unfold as our bodies explored it, all in our own beautiful, magnificent way. Not holding on to what should be, but letting go of controlling our participation in the asanas.
I no longer was directing them to the next posture, but flowing with them in  wonderful synergy of One consciousness . Still speaking, of course, still guiding and teaching, but learning from the students, " hearing" feeling their bodies speak and sing and grumble.  We all moved into a trust of the moment,  into the perfection of what was/ is.
Inviting, allowing, observing, following our own cues, our own exploration, like being on a path, unfolding before us, and being present in each step, each breath, so that we became the unfolding path, and it mattered not where it was leading, because we were not going anywhere, but we were everywhere, and everything, and we were grounded in our posture.
Surrendering to the mat in Savasana, and trusting. There was no action of breath, but instead, the breath flowed, effortlessly, in and out, out and in, moving yet still.
And moving gently back into lotus pose, there was a nourishment of gentle movement, a tender blossoming, sharing, awakening. As we bowed to one another, there was no longer action to be taken, just an allowing our movement to express our intention. Gratitude, Peace, Love and light.
And so it is.
Yoga Life.

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