Saturday, March 24, 2012

T Time Wizdom: The Buzz word these days is "meditation".  People ...

T Time Wizdom: The Buzz word these days is "meditation".  People ...: The Buzz word these days is "meditation".  People ask me, " How do I find time?", " I just can't get it." "I just can't sit still", " My ...
The Buzz word these days is "meditation".  People ask me, " How do I find time?", " I just can't get it."

"I just can't sit still", " My mind never stops thinking of things. I have too much to do." 

I know! So much to do. So much to think about. So much going on. Well, now , in our accommodating culture, we have phone apps for 1 minute meditations! So we only have to stop what we are doing for one minute- less time than it take to fill our cars with gas, check our social media sites or stand in line at the bank, oh , or better yet, stand in line at dunkin donuts. Wait! Now we can meditate while we stand in line! Perfect.
Thank goodness for this, because now we don't have to put our phone down. Because if we do not have our phone in hand, we are somehow less connected in, we are somehow less of a person.

And now we have one more thing to stress about: how much we are not meditating.

So, first, let's get rid of the word " meditate." 

Don't get me wrong. The practice of meditation is as powerful and important as breathing or resting. We all need to breathe. We all need to rest. 
 Meditation is breathing and resting.

So, think about your rest time in the day. When do you slow down for a little while?  Yes, you do. Everyone takes breaks in the day, we just do not recognize them as breaks because we are still doing: on the phone, having a coffee { oh , here's that coffee reference again.. but, hey, america does run on dunkins, or so I hear....}, facebooking, twittering, watching television... Not that any of these things are bad- I am just saying that Doing something does not equal rest.

Sitting at a park, walking in the woods, even closing your eyes at your desk is resting. 

Sleeping is another whole thing. Sleeping at your desk = exhaustion.

 I am referring to "down time."
Kind of like " Time out" for kids.  
When kids act up, misbehave, go crazy, it is a custom to put them in TIME OUT. This may be a corner, a specific chair, a designated Time Out space.  It is a gentle way of punishing bad behavior. Sorry for the harsh words- maybe it's not punishment.... after all punishment is a " bad " word. 
Imagine if we used " meditate " instead?

" Little Joey! THat's it!  Go and meditate for 5 minutes! "
hmmmmm.  interesting thought.
Anyway,  Time OUt  works. I have done it with my kids. I have even taken myself into Time out.

What Time out really does is give everyone a few moments to pull out of the crazies that are going on- gives everyone a chance to regroup- stops the momentum of  an unfolding incident.

So what if we just changed our verbage for the sake of getting past the stress of meditating?

We will call it TIME OUT.

" Mom, what are you doing?"  
" oh just taking a time out."

" Can you forward that email asap?"
" Sure, boss, just going to take a time out first."

" Why are you late?"
" I am sorry. I had to take a time out."

You get the picture!

Oh wow, so now , in our day, we get a TIME OUT!  A FREE PASS!  When are you going to do this?  From this moment forward,
                                              Let's commit to taking a TIME OUT every day. Your own Golden Moments stolen in the beginning, middle or end of the day. Maybe you can designate a corner, or a chair, or a room! All to yourself for your own Time Outs. Cool. And noone will think you've turned guru- zen- ish.  Maybe you can even put a cup of coffee in front of you to start. Totally acceptable.

In this TIme Out, you are going to breathe. Just pay attention to your breath. Feel it coming in and expanding your lungs. Sense where you feel it come in. Feel it leaving you as you exhale. Notice where and what you feel. Can you feel the muscles in your belly contracting as you breathe out? Notice your feet, your tailbone, your butt as they connect to the floor, and hence to the earth. feel your spine lengthen. Feel your shoulders relax. Close your eyes. do not worry about thoughts that come. They will come. Just let them come and go.  feel your self relaxing........ Open your eyes and breathe.
Feeling refreshed , rested and ready?  You will.  Stay with it.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

During this full moon phase on March 8, it is important to focus our intention on energy transference- assimilating the new energies coming in, into our physical beings.

Here is an excerpt from Children of the Sun Foundation:

"With the recent increase in solar activity, our planet has been rhythmically bathed with solar light electronic substance this past week as the orb of our moon shines upon us with increasing fullness. The erratic weather without, mirrors similar energetics and shifting within for much of humanity. As Planetary Servers, we must respond to the call for action as our skills in energy transference are direly needed to harmonize the incoming light codes and allow God's Plan to unfold upon Planet Earth.

Our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters who are suffering loss on many levels due to recent events. As we place our focus, this full moon, upon strengthening our abilities to transfer healing energies, we must pour our heart and soul into transmitting the Sacred Fires and the Solar God Force into all areas of greatest need, locally or nationally. We have many requests for healing transmissions this moon, as our soul family strives to balance the incoming codes of shift; physically, emotionally and spiritually. " ~Children of the Sun

There is indeed a lot going on!  You need not to understand everything. You just are being called now to know your own self. Not the little self that goes through the daily tasks and routines- not the self that is doing and going, but the larger Self: the Self that is your center- the unwavering steady awesome Self.
Where is this Self?  Existing in the deepest caverns of our subconscious? Living in the molecules of our very bones? Moving through the etherial planes of being? Tuned in to the frequencies of All that is?
Yes, yes and yes.
The you that you know, by name , by looks, by experiences in this life, is just a part of your larger expansive SElf. You have chosen to put a mere spark of yourSElf into the body you are living in right now. That's why it is so easy to become disconnected to your physical body. We walk around most of the time not really knowing what is happening inside of us- we refuse to pay attention to our body signals . Let's face it, it is challenging to be in our bodies alot of the time!
But here we are. here we are, in our temples, in the sacred space of our own selves/ Selves.
Our minds attempt to categorize and understand. We want answers and solutions. We want results. We analyze and think. We think and think and think.  And then we think we know. And then we find out we do not know. We find out what we thought we knew, is really not the whole picture. So our minds begin trying again to label and categorize.
See how "crazy" we can become? See how distracted we allow ourselves to be, focusing, processing, organizing, understanding the details.

Well, we can give ourselves a break, because this is part of being human, and let's be honest- we do go through some heavy duty shit. Tough to breathe in the universal flow while your world is falling apart.

But that is just it. It is when our world falls apart that we are called to tap back into our higher purpose, true Self, bigger picture- whatever you want to call it.

How?  Quiet the mind. How many times can we hear that statement?!
But, it is true. 
Meditation. Movement. Stretching. Yoga. Massage. Energy work. Be in service to others. Breathe. Tune in to body sensations that are joyful. Immerse yourself in moments of pleasure.
Be diligent in cultivating feelings of joy and love and pleasure. Even the simplest things. Feel.

All of these ways of connecting back into your source of Self are important, and becoming increasingly difficult for people at this time of heightened frequencies coming in { the new energy of 2012 it is often called}

So, simple. On this Full Moon, set aside time, whatever that means to you, to connect into that Self. We are able to use to Solar Energies and Moon energy, so we might as well!

Feel the sun on your face. { pretend if you do not have physical sunshine} Imagine this warm sun, this fiery white light comes through your skin, through your pores, and fills your body with cleansing, healing fire energy.
Breathe in and feel the warmth move through your whole body, igniting the fires of vitality and life force, opening up the creative, inspired, passionate You. As you exhale, listen to your breath leaving, and physically Feel your body expelling air. With this exhalation, imagine you are releasing all that does not serve your highest good- everything you do not need, everything that is harmful and hindering leaves with your out breath.
Do this for as long as you choose.
We are affected by the sun , and as its great energies amplify and send blasts of solar energy our way, we owe it to ourselves and all of humanity to assimilate these waves of fire energy into our bodies.
{ besides, if we busy ourselves with this, we think less of all the other crap going on ... right?}

Now, in the Full Moon phase, we can bring in Moon energy.  Balancing the Fiery Solar with the Cooling Lunar.

Feel the Moon beams on your face. Allow the cooling white light to surround you and move through you, cooling, calming, healing.
You can do the same breathing in and out as you did for the Sun meditation, this time bringing in nurturing, peaceful, soothing feelings in through your breathe.
Release. Renew.
Yin/ Yang

Feel the truth of knowing your steady unwavering SELF. The Center, that is unaffected by the stuff going down. Tune in to the radio station of your own inner truths. Not by thinking about it,  But Just by BEING in it.

We will be doing this meditation tomorrow, Wednesday, March 7 at 630pm at Masjah Studio. I hope you are able to join us.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

If we went through our days consciously and continually remembering everything we have ever experienced, we would go insane! But  we are wired as such that everything we ever have experienced is saved, not only in the archives of our minds, but in the very cells of our bodies. We are connected with one another, and all living beings, by common threads of existence, common threads of purpose. As we live our lives, we weave patterns and create streams of connective light energy, either high or low vibrational frequencies, with EVERYTHING and everyone. If the frequencies match another, in some way, we begin to create connective ties that greatly influence the patterns we weave.
We are unaware of this mostly, because in human existence of every day living we can not possibly cognitively think about this every second. We can KNOW it, We can intend to live at a higher frequency vibration so to attract higher frequency connective threads in our web of life.
Not easy all the time. We are often plummeted into our own abyss of density { " darkness " }.

But there are sign posts along the way to help us " stay on track":  Little signs,  synchronicity, moments of inspiration, feelings of joy and love........ feeling connected.

Pay attention to the tiniest little signs in the moments of life that connect you back in to your own stream of connective light patterns.

I am inspired to write today, after a fun night of connection with my classes last night as we reminisced about childhood memories that we all shared. From ages 30 to 60, everyone in class had a memory of Davy Jones and the Monkees- we laughed, we shared, we sang. We connected with another on a night in 2012 about a memory in 1966, 1976. 1986?..... suddenly there was no time. suddenly the connective stream wove around and looped through all timelines, and there we were, joyous and supported by our little group of time travelers.

The passing of a well known figure gives a great opportunity to connect the dots of our own lives, but also let go of our conceptions and realize we really are just a part of the ever weaving patterns of vibrational energy.

Have a good feeling, flowing day. Happy March 1 !