Thursday, March 1, 2012

If we went through our days consciously and continually remembering everything we have ever experienced, we would go insane! But  we are wired as such that everything we ever have experienced is saved, not only in the archives of our minds, but in the very cells of our bodies. We are connected with one another, and all living beings, by common threads of existence, common threads of purpose. As we live our lives, we weave patterns and create streams of connective light energy, either high or low vibrational frequencies, with EVERYTHING and everyone. If the frequencies match another, in some way, we begin to create connective ties that greatly influence the patterns we weave.
We are unaware of this mostly, because in human existence of every day living we can not possibly cognitively think about this every second. We can KNOW it, We can intend to live at a higher frequency vibration so to attract higher frequency connective threads in our web of life.
Not easy all the time. We are often plummeted into our own abyss of density { " darkness " }.

But there are sign posts along the way to help us " stay on track":  Little signs,  synchronicity, moments of inspiration, feelings of joy and love........ feeling connected.

Pay attention to the tiniest little signs in the moments of life that connect you back in to your own stream of connective light patterns.

I am inspired to write today, after a fun night of connection with my classes last night as we reminisced about childhood memories that we all shared. From ages 30 to 60, everyone in class had a memory of Davy Jones and the Monkees- we laughed, we shared, we sang. We connected with another on a night in 2012 about a memory in 1966, 1976. 1986?..... suddenly there was no time. suddenly the connective stream wove around and looped through all timelines, and there we were, joyous and supported by our little group of time travelers.

The passing of a well known figure gives a great opportunity to connect the dots of our own lives, but also let go of our conceptions and realize we really are just a part of the ever weaving patterns of vibrational energy.

Have a good feeling, flowing day. Happy March 1 !

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