Tuesday, April 24, 2012

 We are beings of frequency. Just like all energies, we are energy, condensed into a human form. We walk around, perform our daily tasks, we go to work. We feel a myriad of emotions and sensations, and our minds produce millions of thoughts, like a ticker tape, throughout the day.
And through all of this, in every moment, we are very much like a radio station, broadcasting out into the universe. This we do no matter what we are thinking or doing or being. It is as matter- of- fact, and yet just as amazing and powerful as our breath. We do not have to try, we do not have to search, we do not have to lament. We are simply broadcasting live 24/7.

The best part of being a living being, a human being, is that we can choose just what we broadcast if we wish!
In fact, we are continually choosing to do this each moment, through our thoughts word and deeds { has a familiar ring, n'est ce pas?}

So, what is it that you choose to broadcast out to the world today?

Perhaps you answer " happiness."  Ah, the happy channel! Yes!
 In order for you to be the happy channel, you have to BE the happy channel.

This means that you must nurture your happy self. What makes you happy- what makes you smile? What gives you those good vibrations? the " happier " you are, the stronger your signature broadcast for Happiness is.

Same with Peace, Love, Joy, Inspiration......

Do not worry if it doesn't not happen overnight, because it probably won't. And if you keep worrying and being frustrated, well, that is ok, but just be aware, that your radio station is now broadcasting Worry and Frustration.

AND. Whatever we put out there in our own personal broadcast, will link will all the other millions of  " stations" broadcasting the same thing, and .. yes, you guessed it:
we will attract those people and circumstances into our life.

I have  a teenager { enough said , right? haha } who is in the typical, classic stage of  self discovery and hormonal fluctuation. This brings with it much unrest, dislike of many situations, frustration, fear, anger, etc etc etc.
One can actually FEEL the crazy vibrations in the buildings as the high school fills up with a bunch of amped up walking radio station teens all tuned in and broadcasting out!
" I hate school."  " This sucks."  " I can't stand what's her face."  " Ughhhh I hate that class!"
Nice broadcast.
And the more you tune in an put out the " I hate " show, the more life becomes that which we hate.

Teens and children are one thing. As their mentors and parents, we help them develop skills to change their tunes, discover their gifts, explore possibilities and gain a sense of self worth and love. Hopefully they move through the unsettling stages to become full fledged " radio show hosts" . broadcasting to the world about love, peace, respect, trust, hope and compassion.

Sadly, in our world there are adults that are broadcasting the Hate Show, the Fear Life show, The Anger show, the Depression Chronicles......
Life can be hard. Without even realizing, we start putting out frequencies and they come back to us.
{ Frankly, I am tired of hearing my Financial Hardship Channel and the Scatterbrain Scenarios Broadcast. It is time to Change my Frequency on this and shut down those Broadcasts!}

 SO! GOOD NEWS! Here is a secret.......
  One good thought, word, deed- One good choice,  inspired moment, act of loving kindness
                       is more powerful than 1000 yucky ones!
THat's Right!
  All you have to do is be aware of what you are thinking, what you are doing. Then begin paying attention to taking action in Thought Word and Deeds to be where you need to be. To create a broadcast that is worthy of you and the best version of you! And then, it will be transmitted out there and others can begin to be the best versions of themselves, and then we all tune in and put out, and live happily ever after!!   yay!  Ha ha not so easy, but I was on a roll there.

One thought, one action begins to turn the volume down on what is not desired. But then diligence is required to maintain the desired change.

So, what is your Broadcast today?  What station are you tuning into?

Unplug. Tune in. Stay Tuned..........


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